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Today, 800 meters from the birthplace of Jesus Christ, one special door is always open to the poor and destitute expectant mothers; Holy Family Hospital - Bethlehem, a state of the art maternity hospital, because "the poorest deserve the best".

International Board of Trustees

H.E. Dr. Josef D. Blotz
President of the Board
Grand Hospitaller of the Sovereign Order of Malta

Jean-Hugues de Lamaze
Deputy President of the Board

H.E. Ambassador for Palestine Michele Burke Bowe, DM
President of the Holy Family Hospital Foundation

Dr. Harry W. Johnson
President of the international medical committee

Andrea Grassi
President of the international finance committee

Douglas, Graf Saurma-Jeltsch
Geschäftsführender Vorstand, Malteser Hilfsdienst

Dr. John Quinn, MD, KM
Holy Family Hospital Foundation

Charles de Boissezon
Representing France

Sheelagh E. Hillan
Representing Ireland

Soeur Laurice Obeid
Visitatrice for Middle-East of the Congregation of Daughters of Charity

Soeur Denise Abi Haidar
Supérieure des Filles de la Charité de St Vincent de Paul in Bethléem

The Holy Family Hospital of Bethlehem: THE CRIB OF HOPE

Please donate: Your generosity gives hope and saves lives!


322 - 326 Paul VI Street
P.O. Box 8